Sunday, June 5, 2011

Study for car charging stations in CT

Hartford, Conn (WTNH) - There's a new research project underway that could bring more electric vehicle charging stations to Connecticut.

If the car of tomorrow is here today with "EV's", or electric vehicles, then power companies must plan on how to fill a need.

"From our perspective, it's really about ensuring that we have an infrastructure here to meet customers needs going forward. We look at this project as bringing vehicles on, to understand how customers will use electric vehicles," said Jeff Butler, President of Connecticut Light & Power.

CL&P are involved in a research project to install four recharging stations in Stamford, Torrington, Westport, and Mansfield.

"What we're learning now is how our consumers drive the car. When do they want to recharge their cars? How are they going to use them? That's what we're going to learn right now," said Watson Collins, from CL&P Business Development.

By the end of 2011, CL&P says a total of 30 municipalities will officially "plug-in" to this study, in which the company will analyze a plethora of detailed meter data.

"With some of the change in battery technology, we've seen a big push from all the automotive manufacturers. Basically, the time has come," Butler said.

The next town to participate in the study will be West Hartford.

View the original article here

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