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Print?? Email?? Font ResizeFord: Denver one of the most "electric vehicle-ready cities" in the nationBy Howard Pankratz
The Denver PostPosted:?04/13/2011 06:48:40 AM MDTUpdated:?04/13/2011 07:32:27 AM MDT
The top 25 most electric vehicle-ready cities, according to Ford Motor Company. (Ford Motor Company | handout)
Denver was named today as one of the "most electric vehicle-ready cities" in the United States by Ford.
Denver was named along with 24 other cities based on the company's research about community plans to assist with the transition to electric cars.
In Colorado, Ford -- which is about to launch its Focus Electric car later this year -- points to several different programs, including efforts by Denver, Boulder and the "Colorado Plug-In Working Group".
The working group is composed of state, local and regional entities formed to pursue the implementation of advanced plug-in, electric vehicles.
Current members of the group include Denver, Boulder, Xcel Energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Rocky Mountain Institute, Denver Metro Clean Cities Coalition and the State of Colorado Governor's Energy Office.
"As more and more electric vehicles come to market, it's incredibly important cities develop action plans including infrastructure development and permitting solutions to ensure these vehicles are a viable solution for our citizens," said Mike Tinskey, Ford's manager of Vehicle Electrification and Infrastructure.
"The cities on our list are working with multiple partners including local utilities, auto manufacturers, technology companies and others to support a successful integration of electric vehicles."
In Denver, Ford said the city has developed a plan to allow quick turnaround for private individuals or businesses to obtain permits to install vehicle charging stations.
Denver's permitting and inspection officials have provided feedback and assurances regarding vehicle-charging technologies: a permit for a level 2 home charging unit should be easily obtainable through a simple, 15-30 minute walkthrough review.
Denver is also participating in a U.S.-China "Eco Partnership" sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The partnership includes the city of Denver, Ford Motor Company, the city of Chongquing, and Chang'an Motors.
Focused on the implementation of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, this partnership has, according to the Treasury Department, "the potential to significantly advance the global development of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles."
Among the other cities named are Honolulu, San Diego, Seattle, Orlando, San Francisco Bay area, and Washington, D.C.
Tinskey said that the electric grid system in the United States has ample capacity to support electric transportation.
He said the key for local utilities is to offer incentives so electric vehicle customers are encouraged to charge during the nighttime hours when plenty of capacity is available.
"Additionally, at a local level, we are encouraged that many cities are taking an urban planning approach to public charge station locations - which will result in locations that are used more and more often and an efficient use of investment dollars," Tinskey added.
Howard Pankratz: 303-954-1939 or
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