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BERLIN — Connecticut Light & Power Tuesday announced the planned installation of electric vehicle charging stations throughout the state as part of a research project aimed at assessing the feasibility of such cars.
CL&P’s parent company, Northeast Utilities, already has charging stations at its headquarters in Berlin and Hartford along with sites in Springfield, Mass., and Manchester, N.H.
Those stations will now be joined by 20 other Connecticut towns and businesses that are expected to participate in the research project. Already signed up are UBS in Stamford along with Torrington, Westport and Mansfield. West Hartford may sign up soon as well, according to a news release from CL&P.? This marks the first comprehensive electric-car study in New England.
“By gathering information from municipal and business customers, we can gain tangible experience to help guide future decisions about our infrastructure, our policies and how we will ultimately serve all of our customers as EVs (electric vehicles) become more common,” CL&P President Jeff Butler said in a statement.
The study is expected to demonstrate the level of use individual charging stations get, which can be compared to data from home-charging stations.
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